7-8-06 "Back in the Saddle Again"
I woke up this morning and decided that it was time to try out my wrist and see how well it was healing by taking a little paddle out into the Mobile Bay. I went over to Blind Dog Mike's and loaded up in his Classic Loon 111.
It is about 2 feet shorter than his yellow Loon 138 that I have been using but I thought I would try it on for size. I really liked the way it handled and it seemed to be as stable in the water as the 138.
Anyway, I headed on down Bailey's Creek and out into the Bay. I started out going North about a mile to Zundel's. After reaching that point I went west out into the bay about 1 mile , then headed back south. I paddled out to the artificial reef which is about 1 mile west of the mouth of Baileys Creek. On the way to the reef I enountered two flocks of Pelicans.

After reaching the reef I just sat and let my Kayak float for about a half hour. It felt so good to be back out on the water that I love so much. I was overwhelmed , yet again, at the wounderful power of God's creation as I floated along in the surf.
After spending that time ofrest, prayer and meditation, I turned back east and took the little boat back to Mike's. I was very thankful that my wrist had healed and I was again able to paddle out into the bay. It was a beautiful day and yet another adventure. Glad you could come along. We'll go out again soon.
Till then remember....."Life is Good" ; )
Gregory Brown

Anyway, I headed on down Bailey's Creek and out into the Bay. I started out going North about a mile to Zundel's. After reaching that point I went west out into the bay about 1 mile , then headed back south. I paddled out to the artificial reef which is about 1 mile west of the mouth of Baileys Creek. On the way to the reef I enountered two flocks of Pelicans.

After reaching the reef I just sat and let my Kayak float for about a half hour. It felt so good to be back out on the water that I love so much. I was overwhelmed , yet again, at the wounderful power of God's creation as I floated along in the surf.
After spending that time ofrest, prayer and meditation, I turned back east and took the little boat back to Mike's. I was very thankful that my wrist had healed and I was again able to paddle out into the bay. It was a beautiful day and yet another adventure. Glad you could come along. We'll go out again soon.
Till then remember....."Life is Good" ; )
Gregory Brown